Call for joining!!
Protest to TPP negotiation between President Obama and Prime minister Abe
-----People don’t need secret, undemocratic free trade agreement!!------
Last July Japan joined to TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) negotiations as twelfth country. We are concerned about TPP's negative impacts on our lives, communities, and country; it would result in the decline of agriculture and fishery, deteriorating working conditions, and disruption of the health system, and our sovereignty and democracy. TPP negotiations have been kept in secret without enough explanations to the people in 12 countries.
After Japan’s joining TPP talks is still ongoing, but is has a rough passage because of the negotiation between Japan and U.S. on tariff of agricultural items such as rice, beef & pork, sugar, and wheat remains.
From mid-April, President Barak Obama is about to meet with leaders all over Asia to finalize the TPP negotiation. He’ll come to Tokyo on 23-25 April, and will talk on TPP with Prime minister Abe.
We, “Stop TPP Action in front of Prime Mister’s Office” have been organizing protest action against TPP once a month in here since 2012.
In the night on 22, just before Obama’s visit to Japan, we organize much bigger protest action in here. A wide range of civil society groups join this action as a network. It includes citizens' groups, consumers' cooperatives, trade unions, NGOs, and farmers' groups.
This is solidarity-action with “Stop the secrecy” International campaign , which is held in U.S. and other TPP countries.
Please join this protest action to stop secretive TPP negotiations.
Date: 18:00-20:00
Tue, 22 April 2014
Venue: In front of Prime Minister’s house
Organized by Stop TPP Action in front of Prime Mister’s Office